Drink Beer? Got Caps?
My Blog about my bottle cap collecting and crafting.
Visit my Etsy store.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Busy Little Worker Bee

I've been a busy little worker bee the last few days.

Been making more and more coasters, set up my Etsy shop and even listed my first item. More are to come they are all just in various stages of finished-ness. Designed a banner for the shop and am thinking I will transform it into a header for this blog, as well as re-vamp the entire blog itself.

Also am done with one of my custom orders and 3/4 of the way through another one. Cleaning & sorting more caps as I go. Changed up my sorting process with more and more caps coming in, seems to be saving me time as well. When I have the space I am thinking of sorting the caps alphabetically. Currently they are sorted by popularity, one off caps go in their own bags in a box, 5 or less go in their own bags in a seperate box, and 6+ go in their own bags in a different box all together. That way I start by sorting through the most popular caps first, then some of the lesser popular ones, and finally on to the most unique.

I do have some more caps to add and maybe will get to those after class tonight.

Am also kicking around some logo design ideas for Kate's Caps.

And that's all on top of working full-time, going to school part-time, raising the cutest puppy ever, and keeping a household!


  1. Hi Kate, congrats on winning the Pepsi grant.YOu have a great idea. When and where will your artists resource shop open?


  2. Hi Debbi, thanks for reading my blog :-) I haven't quite won the grant just yet, I am currently in 95th place and need to be in the top 10 of the 25k bracket by the end of February to actually win the grant.

    If I do win it though, I was looking to open it in the Lewiston/Auburn, Maine area, with hopes to open a second one in the Portland, Maine area in the future.

    The grant requires you to use the money with in one year, so it would have to be up and running by March 2011 -- a lot of work to get done in a year that's for sure.

    Thanks again for your interest, and feel free to vote everyday at http://www.refresheverything.com/artistresoruce

