Wednesday, January 27, 2010
3 New Caps
Monday, January 25, 2010
Dog Sleds, Braided Rugs, Coasters and Caps
Productive weekend, went to the Musher's Bowl on Saturday and watched a bunch of dog sled races and skijorning, really cool, thinking we should get KC into it.
Monday, January 18, 2010
From Bottle Caps to Braided Rugs
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hoping for a productive day!
Old Thumper
Deschutes Brewery
Moosehead Lager
Friday, January 15, 2010
New Projects in the Works, Craft Room Plans & Pepsi Refresh Grant
I am trying to convince Kevin that moving the big desk in the office out into the living room is a good idea so that I can rearrange the office and make a more useable craft space, which is where I will be using my cubbie bench once its finished.
Also today I finished my grant proposal for the Pepsi Refresh Project they will let me know on Feb. 1st if my idea was approved to go into the running (which is voter driven) for one of the many grants they are giving away each month. If, scratch that, WHEN I get approved I will shout it from the roof tops what the idea is and promote the crap out of it on here, facebook, twitter, and anywhere I can. Did I mention it was voter driven? So I am keeping my fingers crossed for that.
P.S. You may notice that there are no longer any ads on the blog, apparently Google AdSense thought that the clicks that were generated from this blog were fraudulent. I have to admit, I did click on an ad that was listed on my blog, but for good reason though! It was a political ad that I was COMPLETELY against and I needed to get the web site address it went to so that I could then figure out how to get those ads and others like it blocked from my blog, it was so not cool! Anyway... there's my gripe, now I'll just live with it.
Monday, January 11, 2010
New Caps
1st Row: IBC Diet Root Beer, Presidente, Champange Cap
2nd Row: Michelob Ultra Lime Cactus, Miller Genuine Draft, Leinenkugel Classic Amber
3rd Row: Molson Golden, Slim Chance
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Australian Coasters for Mara (photo courtesy of MIG)
Hook. Line. Sinker.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
THE FISH IS DONE!!!!... well almost
Can you imagine stepping on that? OUCH!
Also fabric needs to be attached to the back side to hide all the nail ends, as well we need to devise some sort of way to hang it. I'm thinking two eyelets screwed in the back with strong wire between the two, much like how paintings are set up to hang. If this were to be an outdoor fish, or one that I would be selling I would probably spray the caps down with a weather proof sealant. Then last but not least -- The bottle cap fish needs to get hung on the wall! The place I was going to put it, between the stove top and the hood, is not going to work, the fish is just a tad too long, so it will hang proudly above the interior window we have between the kitchen and the living room.
Here are some more shots of the fish in its last stages and once finished. Enjoy!
The face is almost done.
Space for one more cap!
Face & Fish Finally Finished!!!
The whole finished fish.
Close up.
Head Shot.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Blue or Silver....? YOU Decide!
I'll check back in tonight to see what the verdict is!
Monday, January 4, 2010
And I Quote...
Work done as of Deadline+3 Days (January 3rd, 2010):
I started on the face. I went with the silver Coors caps to match the line that goes through the body of the fish. However with my first two caps of silver attached I realized the mountains were not going the same direction as th the line across the body. Oh well.
Edges are difficult to hammer through, so are knots, so when you have knots on the edges it makes things extreamly difficult to hammer through! For example, on the first line of the face I managed to get only 7 caps attached in an hour and a half! It was very frustrating and I ended up with 7 caps on the fish, lots of little sections of wood that splintered off, and more than 7 bent nails! Once I got through that first row however things went a little smoother. Here's the fish face so far: